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Salud Pblica

Salud's Municipal Management of Jovellanos has like social objective: Organizing, executing and controlling the health services that offer the population through promotional actions, prevention, cure and rehabilitation themselves, integrating help, teaching and the investigation in the primary care accomplishing activities of interrelation with other levels of the system that allow to the patients the continuity in the attention and that way improving the state of health of the population that we attend, raising the quality of life with an intersectorial and communal focus in the step of health generating satisfaction in the population that we attend and in our workers.

For it they count on a Territorial Hospital that attends the population of the municipality of Jovellanos and Peter Betancourt (100 000 inhabitants), 2 poly-clinicians: Peter Pablo Rivera Cué and René Vallejo Ortíz, that 62 take care of a total 450 inhabitants, of them older adults: 8599, the ones that receive special needs in Casas of Abuelos (2), Living Rooms of Geriatría and Abuelos's Circles (64), a Center of Municipal hygiene, a stomatological Clinic, a workshop of ortoprótesis, 52 doctor's offices of the doctor and the family's nurse, a net of pharmacies with 13 units and a center of production of natural medications, in addition to a regional base of ambulances, with 7 cars.

The four challenges of the MINSAP are aimed at keeping an adequate behavior and stability in the hygienic epidemiologic situation in the municipality, to do one's job with the Maternal Infantile Program's indicators (underneath 4 the infant mortality), to achieve increase of the income in emblem and a program for the rational saving of the resources that enables advancement inside the sector.

Dr. Michelangelo Cabrera Sainz, Municipal Director of Salud

Dr. Daylis Rodríguez Alvarez, Directora Polic. Rene Vallejo Ortíz of Jovellanos

Dr. Nelson Rodríguez of the Bull, Director Poly-C. Peter Paul Rivera Cue of Coliseum

Dr. Yazmin Peñate, Directora of the Municipal Center of Higiene and Epidemiología.

Dr. Ana Isabel Padilla Nodarse, Directora of the Clinic Estomatologiaca

Dr. Renier Delgado Marrero, Jefe Base Regional SIUM

Dr. Strong Alexander Red Director Hospital


Address: Calle 11 Number 1813 between 18 and 20

Telephone: 45 812948

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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